Flipkart, India’s leading e-commerce marketplace, has inaugurated two new Fulfillment Centers (FCs) in Uttar Pradesh. The new facilities include an FC and sortation center in Unnao and a Grocery FC along with a sortation center in Varanasi. Covering over 5 lakh sq. ft of storage space, these centers aim to enhance delivery times and efficiency across multiple pincodes. They are expected to create over 3,600 direct and indirect jobs.
Rajneesh Kumar, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Flipkart Group, praised Uttar Pradesh for its supportive business environment and growing e-commerce sector. He highlighted that these new centers will help local communities, MSMEs, and farmers by facilitating their digital transformation. The expansion supports Uttar Pradesh’s goal of becoming a $1 trillion economy by 2027.
During the virtual inauguration, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath emphasized the positive economic impact of Flipkart’s investment. He noted that the new centers will not only create significant employment but also empower MSME units by providing them with nationwide market access. Adityanath highlighted Flipkart’s role in enhancing the state’s industrial and entrepreneurial reputation.
Flipkart’s expansion in Uttar Pradesh now includes over 15 lakh sq. feet of various hubs, generating more than 7 lakh jobs. The company continues to collaborate with the state government to improve market access and growth opportunities for the MSME sector.
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