Bharat Express

After receiving fertility treatment, a 70-year-old woman in Uganda gives birth to twins

The hospital commended her, according to the BBC, stating that it was more than just a “medical success; it’s about the strength and resilience of the human spirit.”

Safina Namukwaya, a 70-year-old Ugandan woman, exceeded expectations by becoming one of the world’s oldest new mothers after delivering twins after in vitro fertilization (IVF) therapy. The boy and girl twins were delivered on Wednesday by cesarean section at a Kampala hospital where Ms. Namukwaya had undergone IVF treatment.

The hospital commended her, according to the BBC, stating that it was more than just a “medical success; it’s about the strength and resilience of the human spirit.”

The BBC was informed by Dr. Edward Tamale Sali, a fertility specialist at the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre (WHI&FC), that the mother underwent in-vitro fertilization (IVF) using her partner’s sperm and a donor egg. At 31 weeks, the babies were delivered prematurely and were kept in incubators. Right now, according to Dr. Sali, they are “stable.”

The Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre said on its Facebook page, “We’ve achieved the extraordinary delivery of twins to Africa’s oldest mother, aged 70!”

“This momentous occasion—the birth of a boy and a girl—not only celebrates our two decades as the IVF industry leaders, but it also distinguishes us as the best reproductive facility in Africa. Today, Wednesday, November 29, at 12:04 p.m., Namukwaya gave birth to her children. Mother and children are doing fine,” they continued.

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This is Ms. Namukwaya’s second delivery in three years, according to the BBC. 2020 saw her give birth to a daughter. She claimed that, after being made fun of for not having children, she had desired to become a parent.