Priyanka Chopra, a renowned Bollywood actress who has successfully made her mark in Hollywood, recently delighted her fans by sharing adorable pictures of her daughter, Maltie Marie, attempting to take selfies. The actress, who is now settled in the United States with her husband Nick Jonas, took to her Instagram stories on January 12th to showcase several charming snapshots. The captions humorously noted Maltie’s attempts at capturing her own selfies, featuring different angles of the young one’s face.
In another heartwarming update from December 24th, just before Christmas, Priyanka Chopra shared glimpses of Maltie Marie enjoying a horse riding adventure. The photos, taken from Maltie’s perspective, portrayed her in riding attire, confidently seated on a horse with boots and a helmet.
Before this, the actress had shared festive moments from their pre-Christmas celebration, where she looked stunning in a white outfit while seated on her husband Nick Jonas’ lap. The occasion was a holiday dinner hosted by Morgan Stewart McGraw. Chopra frequently treats her massive fan following to delightful pictures of her daughter and captivating moments with Nick Jonas.
On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra’s recent projects include the American romantic comedy-drama “Love Again,” co-starring Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. Additionally, she headlined the action thriller spy series “Citadel” alongside Richard Madden. Upcoming for the actress is the action comedy “Heads of State.”
Returning to Bollywood, Chopra’s last appearances were in “The White Tiger” and “The Sky Is Pink.” Fans eagerly anticipate her role in Farhan Akhtar’s much-anticipated road movie “Jee Lee Zaraa,” where she is set to star alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt. Despite multiple delays since its announcement in 2021, the film remains highly anticipated among audiences. Priyanka Chopra continues to enjoy a strong social media presence, sharing glimpses of her personal and professional life with her dedicated followers.
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