Bharat Express


Last year, in December, Marion Biotech's cough syrup Dok-1 was linked to the death of 18 children in Uzbekistan...

Uttar Pradesh Food Safety and Drug Administration department suspended the production license of Marion Biotech company linked to Uzbekistan's deaths of 18 children...

Uzbekistan Ministry finds out in their laboratory tests presence of a toic substance ethylene glycol (EG)

Christmas 2022: Apart from India, Christmas is celebrated with great pomp in many countries. But there are some countries in the world where nothing special can be seen on Christmas Day. There is a ban on celebrating Christmas Day here.

Finally met PM Modi with his Russian counterpart President Putin during the SCO Summit 2022. And this meeting is very significant from the perspective of India and Russia as well. All eyes were on the two global leaders’ meet in the SCO summit 2022. Though there was one more significant presence eco around which went …

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has last night reached to Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit 2022. Samarkand city hosting the Regional SCO Summit will witness the significant meeting of PM Modi and President Putin. Modi was among the last leaders reaching to Samarkand on Thursday evening for the summit.  So far there are …

The most awaited Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit begins with the presence of three world powers’ representation today. This is Regional Summit de SCO beginning today in Uzbekistan is being eyed by the world being too significant towards the future international relationship and actions. Though the suspense about the Indian talk with China is still not …