Bharat Express


There have been 1,647 reports of cybercrime on the video-sharing app in the last four years

One of the first persons to react aggressively and post videos was the Italian actor Paolo Camilli. Palpata breve, or a quick groping, has been popular in Italy since the verdict, coupled with the #10second on Instagram.

The grassroots social media, TikTok highlights the tension between the app’s growing popularity and lawmakers’ push for a ban on it....

The company is looking into the testimony of the TikTok employee quoted by Forbes and asserted that he disagrees with the conclusions drawn from that article, says CEO

There may be a risk in the way the app uses information and data from the government

In the future, the risks and challenges we face will only increase and become more severe

Canada also announced Monday that it is banning TikTok from all government-issued mobile devices.