Bharat Express

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

The incident involving Neha Hiremath, stabbed to death by her classmate Fayaz Khondunaik, stirred controversy, with Neha's family claiming it was due to her refusal of Fayaz's marriage proposal.

PM Modi's assertions signal a heightened political discourse surrounding the integrity of India's electoral process and the divergent ideologies driving various political factions.

The Prime Minister didn't shy away from addressing historical grievances, accusing the Congress and RJD of attempting to dilute OBC reservations for political gain.

In Morena, PM Modi reiterated his claim about the Congress' manifesto being influenced by the Muslim League, sparking a strong response from the Congress. Mr. Kharge countered, highlighting historical ties between the BJP and the Muslim League.

The completion of 75 years of diplomatic relations between India and Italy was acknowledged with satisfaction, accompanied by discussions on enhancing cooperation in various sectors, including defense and emerging technologies.

Laxmikant Bhardwaj shared a news cutting on X in a post. The news explained an incident of the voting day.

Furthermore, Modi highlighted historical perspectives, citing Babasaheb Ambedkar's opposition to religion-based reservation and the consensus among Constitution makers against it.

He attacked Modi for his previous remarks about the regarding "mangalsutra" remark and claimed that the party leaders have given their lives in defense of the country.

Reflecting on the past decade's progress under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, Gadkari emphasized achievements in infrastructure, education, health, and rural development.

The prime minister claimed that BJP was the one who protected Muslim women's lives by introducing law against triple talaq and that these two parties have always engaged in appeasement politics.