Bharat Express


On Keran anti-terror operation, Army said that the successful intelligence-based operation was yet another example of the close synergy between Indian Army, BSF & JKP.

Abhishek Bachchan, in a multi-picture post from the shoot diaries, reflected on the passage of time and the honour of being part of a film that pays tribute to the true heroes in the Indian armed forces.

On account of the pending investigation in relation with the money laundering cases...

Once the security forces followed their movements, a shootout broke out at 1.30 am between the intruders and them, resulting in the injuries of a soldier and a terrorist.

Shah said the opening of the temple was the beginning of the new dawn and quest for reviving the Sharda culture.

After revoking the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir three and a half years later amid the deployment of massive additional troops now the Government has another plan to consider..