Bharat Express

Indian Economy

Non-resident Indians (NRIs) show confidence in India's economy, depositing $1 billion in April despite global challenges.

According to the HSBC PMI data, the Indian economy witnessed a historic surge in exports and the most substantial increase in employment in almost 18 years.

Former finance ministry official Subhash Chandra Garg questioned the efficacy of growth projections, labelling them as mere mathematical exercises devoid of substantial reform or investment strategies.

Report Indicates South Asia to Maintain Status as World's Fastest-Growing Region for Next Two Years

India's GDP grew by 8.4 per cent in the December quarter.

India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has surpassed $4 trillion in nominal terms, a noteworthy economic accomplishment

''India is an engine of global growth,'' says Gopinath without mincing words. ''Still, a lot more work has to be done,'' adds she..

Dozens of missile tests, modernization of the army, fast trains, huge projects, heavy expressways & highways and so much more - is the picture of today's global India..

Fitch Ratings announced that the operating environment for Indian banks has gained strength, with the waning of economic risks linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

When the NDA comes to power in 2024, PM Modi said he wants to reassure the nation's citizens that the rate of growth will be considerably faster.