Bharat Express


Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) sold securities worth Rs 3,110.69 crore

Lula da Silva applauded Modi and complimented India for its efforts to give emerging economies a voice on issues of concern

The African Union has 55 members at full strength

Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) acquired securities worth Rs 722.76 crore on Wednesday

High water stress will affect $70 trillion in GDP (31% of global GDP) by 2050

In Asian markets, Seoul, Shanghai, and Hong Kong all concluded down.

In addition to the heat, parts of Asia have been hit by torrential rain

Hennig Brandt, a German scientist found phosphorous for the first time in 1669

Carbon dioxide is the most dominant greenhouse gas

The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia warned that the world is on the cusp of an El Nino