Laapata Ladies: Unveiling Refreshingly ‘Real Feminism’, It’s Just Short Of Inclusivity, In The Lost Indian Content Space
Just simply aping the Western mindset in your clothing or language certainly does not qualify anyone as being modern and the other as the 'ganwar regressive behenji'. This is exactly where ' Laapataa Ladies' wins as the Behenjis find their rightful dignity and place. It even wants you to be the behenji. Now that's a big achievement!
Anti-Feminism In The Name Of Feminism
Feminism was initially the fight for cerebral equality and adequate opportunity. Women never wanted to be given special treatment, they never wanted to intentionally put down men and treat them as their inferior counterparts.
Feminism, according to Neena Gupta, is “faltu,” and it is unnecessary to think that women and men are equal
Neena Gupta emphasized the importance of men in women's lives by providing an example from her own experience to support her argument.