Bharat Express

class 12

The report states that instead of the existing five subjects that children in class 10 must pass, they will now need to pass ten.

A class 12 student hailing from the SC community was reportedly assaulted by his classmates, revealing a continuation of past animosity, in Tirunelveli district.

In 2023, the percentage of students who passed the CBSE Class 12 board exam this year is 87.33 per cent, a dip of 5.38 per cent as compared to the last year

Director of Secondary Education Mahendra Dev on Tuesday said CCTV cameras with voice recorders were installed in 8,753 examination centres to ensure there was no cheating during the exam.

The evaluation for class 10 will start from class 9 and for class 12, the same will start from class 11. It accounts for the collective result of 4 semesters over the two years.

Some people support the decision regarding alterations made in NCERT syllabus and some oppose the same in a very strong manner so the reactions are coming from different parts of the society