Following a nasty altercation in the IPL earlier this year, Indian superstar Virat Kohli and Afghan bowler Naveen Ul Haq made amends with a handshake and a hug before their World Cup match on Wednesday in Delhi. When Naveen entered the batting order for the frantic chase against Royal Challengers Bangalore by the home team, the Lucknow Super Giants, during the IPL, the two got into a heated argument. As the two cricketers escalated their argument at the customary post-match handshake, the incident turned into a huge issue. K. L. Rahul had to step in, and Gautam Gambhir, the LSG coach, was subsequently spotted furious on the field.Virat Kohli buries the hatchet with Naveen Ul Haq and says…
‘Kohli Kohli’ cheers greeted Naveen as he entered the bowl on Wednesday. The two players were observed having fun with a looser movement as India chased down 273. The issue was never taken outside of the fence for Naveen.
The crowd chanted in support of the home cricket team, and that is exactly what they did. It serves as Kohli’s home field. We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. He’s a good player.
“There (what happened) never occurred above the ground; there was nothing else. People achieve success. They require that material for their supporters. He stated that “we are done with that” today, and I concurred. We hugged and shook hands,” Naveen told PTI.
The 24-year-old has only participated in nine ODIs, and he intends to stop playing the game after the World Cup.
Also read: Controversy Surrounds Boundary Tampering Allegations During Pakistan vs. Sri Lanka World Cup Match
When asked about his plans to retire, Naveen stated: “To be honest, more international bowlers would choose to forgo playing ODI cricket due to the lack of balance between the bat and ball. Although it is what it is, I wish I had played more one-day international cricket.
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