Jasprit Bumrah, a pacer for the Indian cricket team, and his wife Sanjana Ganesan have a son. Bumrah, who took time off from his responsibilities for the Asia Cup 2023 to be with his wife, posted a sweet message on Instagram to announce the birth of the baby boy. Bumrah also disclosed the child’s name, “Angad,” in the social media post. “Our tiny family has expanded, and our hearts are more full than we ever dreamed possible! Our son, Angad Jasprit Bumrah, entered the world this morning. Bumrah wrote in the Instagram post’s description, “We are over the moon and can’t wait for all this new chapter of our lives brings.
Bumrah, a crucial member of the Indian cricket team, particularly in light of the forthcoming ODI World Cup, returned to international action after a nearly one-year absence due to a back ailment. He was instantly selected for the Indian team for the Asia Cup after displaying excellent form against Ireland in a T20I series. Although Bumrah played in India’s initial match against Pakistan, the game was abandoned in the second half owing to severe rain.
Later, it was revealed that Bumrah had decided to skip the second game against Nepal in order to be with his wife, Sanjana, during the birth of their child. But starting with the Super 4 stage, Bumrah will rejoin the Indian team and be available for selection.
Bumrah continues to be one of the team’s greatest assets, particularly as they pursue the ODI World Cup trophy, so it is crucial for the Indian squad to give him plenty of match practice.
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