Bharat Express

Swami Govind Dev Giri Appeals for Peaceful Resolution of Ayodhya, Gyanvapi, and Krishna Janmabhoomi

On the Gyanvapi issue, Swami Govind Dev Giri Maharaj says, ” I appeal with folded hands that all these 3 temples (Ayodhya, Gyanvapi and Krishna Janmabhoomi) because these are biggest scars of the attacks done by invaders. People are in pain, if they (the Muslim side) can heal this pain peacefully then it will help in increasing brotherhood.”

Treasurer of Sri Ram Janambhoomi Trust Govind Dev Giri Maharaj says “We do not even desire to look at the other temples if three temples are freed because we have to live in the future and not in the past. The country’s future should be good and if we get these three temples (Ayodhya, Gyanvapi, and Krishna Janmabhoomi) peacefully we will forget about all other things.”
