NIA issues statement: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday raided multiple locations across Bengaluru, Karnataka, in a case relating to radicalization of prisoners by a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist. A total of six locations, including the houses of four accused, one of whom is still absconding, were extensively searched today as part of NIA’s continuing investigations into the case (RC-28/2023/NIA/DLI). The other locations that were searched were premises connected with two other suspects. In the raids, the NIA teams seized a host of digital devices, various incriminating documents, and cash amounting to Rs 7.3 lakhs during the raids, conducted at the premises of Mohammed Umar, Mohammed Faisal Rabbani, Tanveer Ahmed and Mohammed Farooq, as well as absconder Junaid Ahmed. Three accused are currently absconding in the case, registered under various sections of IPC, UA(P) Act, 1967 and Explosive Substances Act, 1884.
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