Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai says, “Today was the swearing-in ceremony. I took oath as the CM along with Arun Sao and Vijay Sharma as the Deputy Chief Ministers of Chhattisgarh. PM Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah along with other several leaders attended the ceremony. We have also taken the charge. We will work for the development of the state. Tomorrow we will hold a Cabinet meeting also..”
Police Commissioner Smt. Laxmi Singh, a crucial meeting was held today to address community safety…
CM Yogi Adityanath visited Prayagraj on Sunday to review preparations for the upcoming Mauni Amavasya…
The entire nation is immersed in the spiritual fervor of Maha Kumbh 2025, as people…
Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani were key figures at a pre-inauguration ceremony hosted for US…
Nate Anderson, activist short-seller behind now-closed Hindenburg Research, is under scrutiny for his alleged collaboration…
Ajay Maken also recalled discussions between Congress and AAP about potential alliances in Delhi and…