Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the Uttarakhand’s Global Investors Summit 2023 in Dehradun. He says, “Recently the workers who were trapped in the Silkyara Tunnel were successfully rescued. I congratulate the government and administration of the state for the dynamic work done by them. If we as a nation do a similar SWOT analysis on India today, what do we find? We will see aspirations, hope, self-confidence, innovation and opportunity all around. In our country, it is believed that god pairs everyone, then why do those pairs go abroad to start their new journey (of married life). Just like the ‘Make in India’ movement a ‘Wed in India’ movement should be started. At least one wedding from the family should be done in Uttarakhand as part of the destination wedding, to make Uttarakhand a destination wedding spot.”
Maha Kumbh 2025 began with a powerful display of faith, devotion, and spiritual unity, marking…
Delhi saw a notable improvement on Monday morning, where Air Quality Index (AQI) dropped to…
As Maha Kumbh 2025 begins in Prayagraj, CM Yogi Adityanath greeted everyone on Paush Purnima…
Ahead of Maha Kumbh, devotees gathered at the sacred confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and…
PM Modi hailed the commencement of Maha Kumbh 2025, describing it as a 'very special…
The 45-day festival, which runs from January 13 to February 26, is expected to host…