Former model Divya Pahuja found dead in a Gurugram hotel. Pahuja was incarcerated for seven years in connection with a case related to the alleged fake encounter of Gurugram gangster Sandeep Gadoli. She was reportedly Gadoli’s girlfriend. Divya was allegedly murdered at a Gurugram hotel on Tuesday. According to the complaint filed by Pahuja’s sister on January 2, the former model had gone out for a walk with Abhijeet Singh, a Delhi businessman and owner of a hotel in Gurugram. It was at this hotel that Pahuja was allegedly murdered.
A fast-moving wildfire, dubbed the Hughes Fire, erupted in Los Angeles County on Wednesday, rapidly…
EAM Jaishankar responding to a question stated that Pakistan, not India, was responsible for halting…
US President Donald Trump urged Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday to strike a deal…
The Odisha government has approved 17 major industrial projects, collectively valued at Rs 3,883.72 crore.
After a four-day-long operation in Chhattisgarh’s Gariaband district, police confirmed that 16 Maoists were neutralized.
CM Yogi Adityanath's government has approved key connectivity projects to boost Uttar Pradesh's infrastructure for…