Special Cell of Delhi Police busted an interstate drug syndicate and seized over 3 kg of pure opium worth around Rs 1 crore in national capital. Two key members of syndicate were arrested. According to police, accused identified as Siyaram and Dinesh, both residents of Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, were supplying contraband drugs for the last five years and in the last one year, they had supplied over 100 kg of opium in Delhi and its peripherals.
Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani were key figures at a pre-inauguration ceremony hosted for US…
Nate Anderson, activist short-seller behind now-closed Hindenburg Research, is under scrutiny for his alleged collaboration…
Ajay Maken also recalled discussions between Congress and AAP about potential alliances in Delhi and…
Ben-Gvir’s resignation leaves Netanyahu’s coalition with a fragile majority in the Knesset, Israel’s 120-member parliament.
India’s fiscal deficit is on track to shrink steadily, bolstered by rising tax revenues, according…
Vigilance officers averted major mishappening as the fire was averted quickly. However, the reason behind…