The Delhi Police Special Cell has arrested two members of the Neeraj Bawana-Naveen Bali gang, officials said on Sunday. The arrested duo — Subeg Singh and Saurabh — both aged 32 years, were wanted in cases of attempt to murder, robbery, theft and Arms Act in Delhi, said Special Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) HGS Dhaliwal. The Special Cell has been working to track down and nab the members of the Neeraj Bawana-Naveen Bali gang, Dhaliwal said. On January 3, a tip-off was received that two wanted criminals of the gang would come to the Munirka area here to meet their associates, following which a team was formed to apprehend the duo and a trap was laid, he said. “During interrogation, the accused told the police that there has been a long-standing rivalry between the Kapil Panwar and Neeraj Bawana gangs to establish supremacy in the South Delhi area,” the police officer added.
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