The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam police on Wednesday evening busted a fake gold smuggling gang and apprehended three persons of the gang with fake gold and Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) in the Jorabat area, outskirts of Guwahati. Partha Sarathi Mahanta, DIG (STF) says, ” During the operation, STF apprehended three persons along with one four-wheeler, one boat-shaped fake gold weighing about 1.627 kg, 150 FICN numbers of Rs 500 denomination (total of Rs 75,000), 2 numbers of Mobile phone.”
Traditionally, luxury car brands like Mercedes-Benz have focused on India’s mega cities such as New…
Indian Railways marked achievement in development of USBRL by successfully conducting a trial run on…
CM Yogi Adityanath dedicated the newly inaugurated UP State Pavilion to Maha Kumbh visitors from…
On Friday, UP CM Yogi Adityanath unveiled the statue of former freedom fighter and social…
The Adani Foundation, in collaboration with the Shivpuri district administration, laid the foundation stone for…
During a recent visit to the Maha Kumbh, industrialist Gautam Adani described the event as…