Bharat Express

Alok Kumar, International Working President, VHP on SC verdict on Article 370

On SC verdict on Article 370, Alok Kumar, International Working President, VHP says “Today’s decision of the Supreme Court on Article 370 is like a homage given by the nation to the sacrifice of Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. Due to some political misunderstandings, the then political leadership had given a special status to J&K through Article 370. The Parliament had removed this Article. But still, there were some questions due to the pendency of this case. They have been cleared after today’s verdict. Kashmir is and always was an inalienable part of India, without which India is incomplete. The only unfinished agenda is the liberation of PoK from the clutches of Pakistan. We are confident that a strong India and a determined Government will be able to free the POK soon.”
