Bharti Airtel on Monday said it has received a notice from the telecom department for an alleged violation of subscriber verification norms, entailing a penalty of Rs 3.57 lakh. In a BSE filing, the telecom operator informed that the notice pertains to Bihar LSA and was received on January 8, 2024. “We submit the details of notice received by the company from the Department of Telecommunications,” Airtel said, informing about the “notice imposing a penalty of Rs 3,57,000 for alleged violation of subscriber verification norms”. Citing details, the company said it pertained to an alleged violation of terms and conditions with respect to subscriber verification norms under the Licence Agreement, pursuant to a sample customer application form (CAF) audit conducted by the Department of Telecom for September 2023.
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During Maha Kumbh, CM Yogi Adityanath's Cabinet approved transformative projects for Uttar Pradesh's development.
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