After the first cabinet meeting of the newly formed Chhattisgarh government, Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai says, “As mentioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and even myself during the election campaigning, the first task of our government will be to provide 18 lakh houses to beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.”
Adani Group has launched a new website,, dedicated to the ongoing Maha Kumbh in…
A literary and cultural felicitation ceremony organized by Vishwa Hindi Manch in Hapur, Dr. Dinesh…
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi met with protesting BPSC exam candidates in Patna on Saturday, a…
Gautam Adani is joining forces with a 101-year-old institution, Gita Press, to provide essential services…
After the conviction of civic volunteer Sanjay Roy for the rape and murder of a…
In a significant verdict, a CBI court convicted Himachal Pradesh Inspector General of Police ZH…