Bharat Express


Pearl was born at Crystal Creek Animal Hospital in Orlando

You can protect yourself from COVID by washing your hands frequently, using masks, staying indoors unless absolutely necessary, and isolating yourself once the symptoms appear

The study founds that on average children living in cities had a slightly higher BMI than children in rural areas.

If current trends continue, the world's population, which is currently 7.96 billion, will reach an all-time high of 8.6 billion.

At Kishi Station on the Kishigawa Line in Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, a female calico cat previously rose to popularity for holding the positions of the station master and operating officer

Pang Pha, a particularly distinctive Asian elephant, learned how to peel bananas on her own

Identifying harmful proteins may be helpful as we confront not only variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 but also as new viruses emerge in the future.

The pictures show billionaires standing in front of a backdrop of a slum

Holy Week, the series of events in Christian churches that lead up to Easter, traces Jesus' final days before death and resurrection, including Palm Sunday and the Last Supper.

Easter also celebrates the return of nature. Due to this, Easter gifts constantly include chocolate or decorated eggs...