Bharat Express


Off-roading, according to Arkaprava Datta of Chennai, co-founder of Terra Tigers and coordinator of the 17-year-old Palar Challenge, India's oldest off-roading tournament."

It found that the number of deaths worldwide from the disorder increased from two million in 1990 to more than three million in 2019.

It's the land of Waris Shah, Amrita Pritam, and Shiv Kumar Batalvi. Not just for the young and versed readers but there's also a lot for the little enthusiasts who love to read and write.

Although human constructions have modified natural spaces for millennia, few plans or maps predate the period of the literate civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt

 Modern dog breeds that are genetically more distant from wolves have a relatively larger brain size compared to ancient breeds that are thousands of years old

The researchers employed new climate records from a drill core off the coast of Portugal and loess records from the Chinese Plateau for their analyses

Torrential rain that hit India in May also caused rivers to overflow in neighbouring Bangladesh, triggering nearly 5,500 displacements.

The latest study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders adds to the growing body of research pointing to the wide-ranging dangers of diets high in inexpensive, well-marketed but often nutrient-deficient convenience food

As I made a booking I was totally unaware that what I was going to encounter was the face of a rapidly changing new India. I was in for a pleasant surprise....

The Sharara aka lehenga pants which are tight fitted around the thighs and flared around the legs will be a natural add-on to your wardrobe this season.