The Saket Court on Tuesday issued a notice to Delhi Police after hearing a petition accusing the OTT platform ALT Balaji of broadcasting obscene content. The court has sought a reply and scheduled the next hearing for March 6. The petition, filed by social worker Uday Maholkar, demands the registration of an FIR against ALT Balaji, its parent company Balaji, and its director Ekta Kapoor under various legal provisions.
The petition alleges that ALT Balaji violated the POCSO Act, Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, and IT Act. Specific charges include Section 11 of the POCSO Act, Sections 294, 295, and 296 of the Indian Penal Code, Section 4 of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, and Section 67 of the IT Act.
Advocate Vineet Jindal, representing Uday Maholkar, argued that ALT Balaji broadcasted obscene and pornographic content in violation of Indian laws. Maholkar, a former RTI Commissioner and founder of the NGO Save Culture Save India, first filed a complaint with Delhi Police. However, the police did not register an FIR against the platform or its director.
Jindal asserted that the platform’s content disrespects cultural values and constitutes an offense under the listed legal provisions. Frustrated by inaction, Maholkar approached the Saket Court, demanding legal action against ALT Balaji and its directors.
The petition accuses the OTT platform of promoting content that violates the POCSO Act and other laws safeguarding public decency. It also calls for immediate police action and accountability.
The court has now directed Delhi Police to respond to the allegations. The upcoming hearing will determine whether legal action, including FIR registration, will proceed against ALT Balaji and its director. This case adds to the growing scrutiny of OTT platforms for content regulation and adherence to legal standards.
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