The Delhi High Court on Monday rejected the anticipatory bail plea of former IAS trainee Puja Khedkar. She was accused of cheating and fraudulently availing the benefits under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) and disability quotas to clear the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams.
In August, she was granted interim protection. However, after reviewing the evidence and allegations, the High Court found significant grounds to reject her plea.
Justice Chandra Dhari Singh vacated the earlier order shielding her from arrest and, in his judgment, detailed that Puja Khedkar had made a strong prima facie case against her.
Earlier, Justice Singh-led Bench in November reserved its decision on Puja Khedkar’s anticipatory bail plea after hearing both sides. It was then clarified that till the judgement is delivered, the interim relief granted earlier to Puja Khedkar shielding her from the arrest will continue.
The Centre, on September 7, sacked Puja Khedkar from the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) with immediate effect, a month after the UPSC cancelled her selection in government service. The former IAS officer has been found guilty of faking and availing the OBC and disability quota benefits wrongly.
The former IAS officer was barred from taking the entrance exam for life by UPSC after finding her fake identity used to taking the exams multiple times.
In a report, which was submitted to the Delhi High Court, Delhi Police has contended that former IAS officer Puja Khedkar had submitted two separate disability certificates for her UPSC exam.
Apart from this, the court underlined the gravity of Khedkar’s alleged misconduct, stating that it constituted a serious betrayal of the principles of fairness and equality.
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