Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s government is fast-tracking the renovation of the historic Bhardwaj Muni Ashram in Prayagraj. With an investment of Rs 13 crore, the government has completed 85% of the work, aiming to finish before Mahakumbh 2025. Officials have ordered the final touches to be done on schedule.
Legend credits Bhardwaj Muni with inventing 500 aircraft techniques, including a solar-powered model. This heritage makes the ashram a major draw for Mahakumbh visitors and history enthusiasts alike.
Laborers are working day and night on the temple corridor. Artists are painting murals that depict Bhardwaj Rishi’s life, scenes from Lord Ram’s exile, and local wildlife. The project includes new shaded benches, dustbins, road lamps, a main gate, and parking space.
Divisional Commissioner Vijay Vishwas Pant noted the ashram’s international appeal, especially among visitors from South India. As Prayagraj, or “Tirtharaj,” is revered in Sanatan culture, the government expects many devotees.
Mythology adds to the ashram’s importance. It’s said that Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman stayed here before journeying to Chitrakoot. After the Lanka victory, Lord Ram returned to honor Bhardwaj Muni.
With corridor construction nearly done, officials expect large crowds at the ashram during Mahakumbh 2025.
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