The Samajwadi Party and the Congress, according to Uttar Pradesh (UP) BJP Chief Bhupendra Chaudhary, pose no threat to his party, and the nation is currently experiencing “Ram-may,” or a deep devotion to Lord Ram. “Neither the Samajwadi Party (SP) nor the Congress are a challenge. You can see that the entire state and country is ‘Ram-may’,” when asked if these parties were posing a threat to the BJP, the state president responded.
While traveling to take part in a party meeting to discuss preparations for the approaching Lok Sabha elections and the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony of the Ram Temple scheduled for January 22, Chaudhary spoke with reporters.
“All senior leaders are participating in the meeting to discuss what works and schemes have to be chalked out in view of the upcoming elections and give them a final shape,” he said.
In response to a question regarding Akhilesh Yadav calling a conference of the SP’s Assembly unit presidents, Chaudhary referred to the leaders of the main opposition Samajwadi Party as “seasonal people” who only come out to vote. “They are seasonal people and step up their activities at election time while we have a permanent arrangement and have continuously kept working and going to people with our work,” he said.
BJP leader and state’s Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi also reiterated that the entire country today is “Ram-may”. Reacting on the Congress leaders declining the invitation to the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony in Ayodhya on January 22, Shahi said, “They have never had faith in Lord Ram, termed him as ‘kalpnik’ (imaginary) or a ‘katha’ (story). Bhagwan Ram belongs to everyone.” Nobody holds any patent on him, he added.
Speaking about the meeting, another leader, Narendra Kashyap, stated that the party has determined that it needs the support of the people to win all 80 seats in the upcoming elections. He went on to say that discussions about how to guarantee victory must take place at every seat.
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