Bareilly: A tragic incident occurred on Tuesday in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly where a 16-year-old girl lost her life due to a horrific act of violence. According to the police, the young girl, a class 11 student, was on her way home from school on July 27 when she was accosted by Udesh Rathor (21), a resident of the Math Lakshmipur area. Rathor started molesting her, and when she resisted, three other individuals joined him.
In a shocking turn of events, the perpetrators forced the girl to consume sanitiser as a means to intimidate her into submission. When the victim’s brother tried to intervene, he was brutally beaten by the accused. Tragically, they also recorded the harrowing incident and shamefully shared it on social media.
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The consequences of this horrifying act were devastating, as the girl’s health began to deteriorate after being forced to ingest sanitiser. She was rushed to a private hospital and subsequently referred to the district hospital. However, despite efforts to save her life, the doctors declared her dead.
The local authorities are actively investigating the matter, and the post-mortem examination will determine the course of action against the culprits.
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