In a heartbreaking incident, four students drowned while bathing in the Pench canal in the Bori area of Nagpur district’s Ramtek, Maharashtra. The tragedy unfolded when eight students from the Indira Gandhi Hostel at Ghoti Chowki decided to take a dip in the canal.
The students, who attend the nearby Indira Gandhi Vidyamandir and Junior College, ventured to the canal, located about 10 kilometers from Ramtek on Tumsar Road. While enjoying their outing, the situation turned dire when five of the students jumped into the water. Misjudging the strong current, they quickly found themselves in trouble.
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One student managed to escape, while the other four were swept away by the rushing water. The victims have been identified as Mandeep Avinash Patil (Class 11), Anant Yogesh Sambare (Class 7), Mayank Kunal Meshram (Class 8), and Mayur Khushal Bangre (Class 9).
As of now, the bodies of the four students have not yet been recovered, prompting ongoing search operations by local police and rescue teams. Divers have been deployed to assist in the efforts to locate the missing students.
Most of the hostel residents had returned to their native villages due to the Dussehra holidays, leaving only a few students behind at the time of the incident. The unfortunate decision to bathe in the canal, which flows behind their school, has cast a shadow over what was meant to be a fun outing.
Three other students who remained on the canal bank shouted for help, prompting locals to notify the police. Emergency personnel quickly responded to the scene to initiate the search and rescue operations.
Authorities are working diligently to recover the missing students and provide support to their families during this tragic time.
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