A heart-wrenching incident occurred in Tamil Nadu, resulting in the loss of a young woman’s life as her husband attempted a home birth using a process he had learned from a YouTube video. The victim, 27-year-old Loganayaki, residing in Puliampatti near Pochampalli, suffered from severe blood loss due to her husband’s inability to properly cut the umbilical cord. The devastating incident was reported by India Today.
Following the ill-fated home birth, Loganayaki was rushed to the nearby Primary Health Center (PHC). Tragically, she was declared dead upon her arrival. The medical officer at the PHC promptly informed the police, who registered a case under Section 174 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
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Despite the loss of Loganayaki, there was a glimmer of hope as the newborn survived the ordeal and was admitted to a government hospital for care. The incident shed light on the dangers of attempting births without proper medical supervision.
Madhesh, Loganayaki’s husband, who made the ill-fated decision, has been taken into custody by the police. Authorities have stated that he will be arrested if further investigation confirms charges against him, according to a report by Times of India.
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