Tejasvi Surya, the president of BJP Yuva Morcha and member for Bengaluru South, asked political parties to band together on Sunday in order to preserve “Sanatana Dharma,” claiming that attempts are being made to outlaw traditional games like “Jallikattu” and “Kambala” by “some forces with an agenda.”
Speaking on the second day of the “Kambala” slush track buffalo race, which takes place in Kasaragod, Kerala, and coastal Karnataka, is the 33-year-old MP. Bengaluru is hosting “Kambala” for the first time.
“We have seen today that some forces with various agendas are going to the courts and doing many things to stop our traditional games such as “Jallikattu” and “Kambala”,” Mr. Surya said.
According to him, political parties ought to put aside their differences and band together to defend “Jallikattu,” “Kambala,” and the celebration of our holidays “because only by preserving these games can our ‘Sanatana Dharma’ be preserved.” The event is being attended by 178 participants, along with their buffaloes, according to the organizers.
Also read: UP: Brahmin Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, addressed by Hindu leaders, BJP MP Dr. Dinesh Sharma speaks
According to him, political parties ought to put aside their differences and band together to defend “Jallikattu,” “Kambala,” and the celebration of our holidays “because only by preserving these games can our ‘Sanatana Dharma’ be preserved.” The event is being attended by 178 participants, along with their buffaloes, according to the organizers.
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