Bharat Express

Surge In Conjunctivitis Cases Spurs Sunglasses Sales In Karnataka

Upsurge of pink eye has prompted people to adopt precautionary measures, including purchasing dark-shade sunglasses for protection.

Karnataka has recently witnessed a notable upsurge in conjunctivitis cases across several districts, including Bidar. Government data reveals that between July 25 and August 4, the state reported a staggering 40,477 instances of this eye infection. Commonly known as pink eye or madras eye, this ailment has prompted people to adopt precautionary measures, including purchasing dark-shade sunglasses for protection.

The heightened demand for sunglasses has caused a spike in sales in Bidar. Locals are acquiring these protective eyewear items at rates ranging from Rs 100 to 120. Popular sales points in the area include Bhagat Singh Circle, Shivaji Circle, and Nandi Petrol Pump. Alongside their sunglass purchases, residents of Bidar are adhering to additional preventive measures to shield themselves from conjunctivitis.

Haveri, Raichur, Shivamogga, and Vijayanagara are among the worst-hit districts in addition to Bidar, grappling with the spread of the conjunctivitis eye infection.

In response to the escalating situation, the platform “Citizens Matters” has compiled a list of do’s and don’ts to safeguard against pink eye. These guidelines have been shared by Professor Dr. T Nirmal Fredrick, the Managing Director of a Tambaram hospital. Dr. Nirmal emphasizes the importance of rest and suggests eye patients rest their eyes while also considering pain relief options and maintaining adequate fluid intake.

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Dr. Nirmal also urges patients to refrain from unnecessary travel, as it exposes them to various viral strains, potentially leading to secondary infections affecting the cornea. The doctor recommends using a sterile cotton pad or tissue paper to wipe the eyes, emphasizing the proper disposal of these items to avoid viral transmission.

Counseling against self-medication, Dr. Nirmal advocates seeking consultation with an ophthalmologist if individuals experience itching or irritation in the eyes. He shares an anecdote wherein a patient, suspecting viral conjunctivitis, resorted to self-treatment and ended up developing an ulcer.

The recent surge in conjunctivitis cases serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection, appropriate precautions, and professional medical attention in managing eye infections.

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