Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court demanding that the CBI register an FIR in the case of an extortion and recovery racket operating from Tihar Jail. The CBI has filed a status report in this case, stating that an investigation has begun into the allegations related to this extortion and recovery racket. Sukesh Chandrashekhar accused Former Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain of extorting Rs 10 crore. Now the CBI will investigate the matter.
In February 2024, the Union Home Ministry accepted Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena’s recommendation of CBI inquiry. On February 9, the Lieutenant Governor also approved a CBI inquiry against former Tihar Jail DG Sandeep Goyal and then Tihar Jail Superintendent Raj Kumar. Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is in jail on charges of fraud and money laundering worth crores of rupees, had written a letter to Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena alleging that Satyendra Jain runs his own government.
In November 2021, the Economic Offenses Wing of Delhi Police arrested five employees of Tihar Jail in a case of extorting Rs 200 crore while inside Tihar Jail. The arrested officers included Sunil Kumar, Sundar Vohra, Mahendra Prasad, Lakshmi Dutt, and Prakash Chandra. Notably, the Criminal Branch of Delhi Police informed the court that Sukesh Chandrashekhar was running an organized gang from inside Tihar Jail, with the help of jail officials. Jail officials recieved Rs 20 crore as a bribe from Sukesh Chandrashekhar, revealed in the court. The investigation reveales that these jail officials were involved in Sukesh’s entire conspiracy.
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