BSP, a party with a significant history in Uttar Pradesh politics, is embarking on the Lok Sabha elections independently this time around. Their candidate for the Jaunpur Lok Sabha seat, Shrikala Singh, recently addressed gatherings of women across various locations. Singh highlighted the impactful legacy of BSP supremo Mayawati’s governance for women, Dalits, backward communities, extremely backward groups, and minorities in Uttar Pradesh since the country’s independence.
In a notable visit to the Malhani assembly constituency within the Jaunpur parliamentary constituency, Singh engaged in grassroots interactions resembling Nukkad Sabhas. The energy was palpable in villages like Garha Baghrai and Makhdumpur of Baksha block, especially among the backward, extremely backward, Dalit, and Chauhan communities, where BSP’s influence was visibly strong.
During these street meetings, elderly women showered blessings and prayers upon Shrikala Singh, with many seeing him as a reflection of Mayawati herself. Middle-aged women and young girls echoed this sentiment, viewing Singh as a mirror image of the revered leader. In their eyes, Singh embodied the essence of Mayawati, eliciting a deep sense of resonance and trust.
Singh emphasized the importance of increasing BSP’s representation at the Centre to effectively address the needs of the people, promising a brighter future under Mayawati’s leadership. He urged voters to unite and cast their ballots strategically to strengthen Mayawati’s hand, signaling a collective effort to challenge the current state of mismanagement.
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