Upendra Rai, Chairman, MD and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express News Network, met UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today. In this courtesy meeting, Upendra Rai apprised the Chief Minister about the objectives of ‘Satya, Sahas, Samarpan’ incorporated in his soon to be launched news channel, Bharat Express. During the meeting, CM Yogi Adityanath listened to Upendra Rai’s words with the expressions of appreciation and gave his best wishes for the Bharat Express.
During the meeting, Upendra Rai, Chairman of Bharat Express News Network, presented his books ‘Nazariya’ and ‘Hastakshep’ to CM Yogi. Along with this, he also presented a coffee table book related to the mission of Bharat Express to the Chief Minister.
Significantly, Upendra Rai is soon about to launch a media group named Bharat Express News Network. Utilizing the experiences of his long proactive journalistic life of twenty five years, Upendra Rai aspires to strengthen his private media group with an objective to maintain the condition, direction and value of social consciousness of journalism in the society.
Bharat Express News Network is dedicated to deliver news to the public in Hindi, English and Urdu as well. Upendra Rai’s efforts aim at keeping the moral values of journalism alive while keeping all the platforms of his media group vibrant in accordance with the changing time. Henceforth, all aspects of news will be emphasized in the newspaper and digital platforms of the group along with its TV news.
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