On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, a staggering 1,11,111 kg of laddus are set to grace the Ram Temple in Ayodhya as prasad, ready for offering and distribution on April 17. Atul Kumar Saxena, the trustee of Devraha Hans Baba Trust, proudly announced that Devraha Hans Baba himself will be overseeing the dispatch of this generous offering to the temple.
Saxena highlighted that their tradition of sending laddu prasad extends beyond Ayodhya, with various temples, including the revered Kashi Vishwanath Temple and the majestic Tirupati Balaji Temple, receiving these sweet blessings every week.
In a testament to their devotion, Saxena reminisced about the substantial contribution made by Devraha Hans Baba Ashram on January 22 during the Pran Pratistha ceremony in Ayodhya. On that significant day, a remarkable 40,000 kg of laddu was dispatched from the ashram to the temple, symbolizing their unwavering commitment to the divine.
The act of offering laddus as prasad holds deep spiritual significance in Hindu culture, symbolizing devotion, purity, and the sweetness of the divine blessing bestowed upon the devotees. It serves as a gesture of reverence and gratitude towards the deity, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual fulfillment among the faithful.
The forthcoming offering of 1,11,111 kg of laddus on Ram Navami is not merely a gesture of grandeur but a heartfelt expression of devotion and reverence towards Lord Ram, reflecting the unyielding faith of millions who hold Ayodhya’s Ram Temple in the highest regard.
As preparations for the grand offering are underway, devotees eagerly anticipate the blessed occasion, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to partake in the divine prasad and bask in the spiritual aura of Ram Navami celebrations at the revered Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
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