On Monday, Puducherry Chief Minister (CM) N Rangasamy comforted the people while assessing the situation in the areas hit by the nonstop rains that have pounded the union territory since January 7, resulting in severe water logging. During his visit to Paavanar Nagar in the nearby Reddiarpalayam Assembly constituency, he heard complaints from the public.
The residents complained to the CM of lack of public toilets in the area. They also told him that the poor maintenance of the big canal running through the residential area had been the cause of the inundation of residential areas during rains. Rangasamy assured the residents that steps would be taken to construct toilets and also desilt the canal so that there would be no suffering in the future. Puducherry LG Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan today visited the areas affected by rainwater stagnation and ordered the officials to clear the sewage canal blockages in Puducherry.
Agriculture Minister Theni C Djeacoumar visited several villages in Embalam constituency near here and assessed the extent of damage the rain had caused to standing crops.
Congressmen, including former Chief Minister V Narayanasamy and PCC president V Vaithilingam, visited the villages devastated by flooding in the interim. In multiple villages, Narayanasamy pleaded with the territorial government to give farmers who had lost their paddy to flooding relief as soon as possible.
Over the course of the previous 24 hours, which ended at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, Union Territory of Puducherry received 12 cm of rain. Today is a holiday for all educational institutions in the regions of Karaikal and Puducherry, as declared by the government. The Neduncadu constituency in Karaikal, which the ruling AINRC legislator and former minister of transportation Chandrapriyanga represents in the territorial assembly, was visited by rain-stricken areas.
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