Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s visit to Delhi on Thursday holds significance amidst ongoing discussions about the state’s cabinet expansion and the appointment of a new party in-charge for UP. Sources suggest that during his meeting with central party leadership, discussions on the long-pending cabinet expansion, which gained momentum after Subhash SP joined NDA, will take place. Speculations point to the inclusion of 5 to 6 new ministers, with names like OP Rajbhar, Dara Singh Chauhan, and Akash Saxena being considered.
Furthermore, the completion of Radha Mohan Singh’s tenure as the current in-charge of UP adds to the complexity, with several leaders vying for the position. Notable contenders include Union Ministers Anurag Thakur, former Gujarat CM Nitin Patel, and National General Minister Vinod Tawde.
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Amidst these political developments, preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections are underway. The party may announce an Election Steering Committee for each constituency, focusing on meticulous management up to the booth level. Names of committee members are expected to be disclosed this month.
CM Yogi’s interactions with key leaders during his Delhi visit are yet to provide clarity on the decisions regarding cabinet expansion, the new in-charge, and the election steering committee. The political landscape in Uttar Pradesh appears dynamic as the state anticipates significant changes in its leadership and party structure.
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