Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a special screening of The Sabarmati Report, a film based on the 2002 Godhra train burning, in the Parliament Library building on Monday. He joined NDA MPs and Cabinet ministers for the event. Pictures of the Prime Minister watching the movie, seated among fellow Parliamentarians, went viral on social media, sparking widespread reactions.
PM Modi praised the filmmakers after the screening. “Joined fellow NDA MPs at a screening of The Sabarmati Report. I commend the makers of the film for their effort,” he posted on X. The film depicts the tragic events of the Godhra train carnage that claimed 59 lives, including women and children.
Vikrant Massey, the lead actor, expressed his excitement after watching the film with PM Modi and other leaders. “This is the highest point of my career,” he told reporters. Massey shared how special it was to witness the film being appreciated at the highest level.
PM Modi had earlier praised the movie for uncovering the truth behind the Godhra tragedy. “It is good that this truth is coming out in a way common people can see it. A fake narrative can persist only for a limited period. Eventually, the facts will always come out,” he remarked last week.
Several BJP-ruled states, including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh, have declared The Sabarmati Report tax-free. Prominent BJP leaders like Yogi Adityanath and Nayab Singh Saini have already watched the movie. They praised the filmmakers for revealing the truth and challenging politically motivated narratives about the Godhra incident.
The film, starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, has garnered praise for its portrayal of the tragic events and its effort to bring clarity to the public.
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