Amidst the ongoing Lok Sabha election 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday addressed a public rally in Kandhamal, Odisha. The rally commenced with a massive turnout of people, evident even beyond the confines of the pandal, where individuals stood eagerly to catch a glimpse of the Prime Minister. The fervor of the crowd was palpable in the bustling pandal. The rally saw the chanting of several slogans throughout its duration.
During his public rally, PM Modi stated that Congress repeatedly tries to instill fear in its own country. He remarked that they advise caution, citing Pakistan’s possession of atomic bombs.
PM asserted that the nation cannot forget that instead of teaching terrorists a lesson, these individuals used to hold meetings with terrorist organizations.
“After the Mumbai attacks of 26/11, they lacked the courage to take action against the perpetrators of terrorism,” the PM added.
PM Modi highlighted that the keys to the inner chambers of the Ratna Bhandar of Shri Jagannath Temple have been missing for the past 6 years.
PM elaborated that according to the state government, duplicate keys were discovered for the Ratna Bhandar. However, he raised questions regarding their creation, maker, and usage. PM asserted that these details remain undisclosed.
“The BJP is now actively addressing this concern,” PM Modi emphasized, questioning why the BJD government is evading the issue.
PM Modi stated that if there is lotus, there is:
Also Read: Prime Minister Modi Criticizes Congress, Articulates ‘Idea Of India’ In Mahabubnagar Rally
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