Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his best wishes to Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on his 49th birthday on Saturday. In a message posted on his X handle, PM Modi wrote, “Birthday wishes to Jharkhand CM Shri Hemant Soren Ji. Praying for his long and healthy life.”
In response, Chief Minister Soren expressed his gratitude with a post on his social media handle, saying, “Thank you, honourable @PMOIndia, for your kind wishes.”
Despite the cordial exchange, it’s noteworthy that CM Soren has previously been a vocal critic of PM Modi. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Soren had mocked the Prime Minister after a phone call in which Modi discussed the handling of the epidemic and offered the central government’s support. Soren had taken to X to mock the interaction, stating that Modi only engaged in a “monologue” rather than a meaningful dialogue. This comment had gone viral, attracting criticism from senior BJP leaders, including former Jharkhand Chief Ministers Arjun Munda and Babulal Marandi.
However, following Saturday’s exchange of pleasantries, Soren once again criticized the central government. In an emotional social media post, he referenced his recent 150-day incarceration related to an alleged land scam.
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Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, also extended his birthday greetings to CM Soren. On X, the Congress leader wrote, “Hearty congratulations and best wishes to Jharkhand Chief Minister Shri Hemant Soren ji on his birthday. In the fight for the rights of the poor, the deprived, and the tribals of the country, and against every injustice done to them, INDIA will fight strongly, and together we will win.”
Soren marked his birthday by cutting a 49-kg cake, with various programs held across different districts of the state to celebrate the occasion.
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