Congress leader Rahul Gandhi visited the Anand Vihar Railway Station in Delhi where he interacted with porters. During his visit, he wore a red “coolie” shirt and had a badge tied to his arm as he carried luggage on his head. In a viral video, porters surrounded him, placing a trolley bag on his head, and they chanted “Rahul Gandhi Zindabad” as he walked through the crowd. The purpose of his visit was to address the concerns of the porters and workers at the station.
The Congress party shared this event on social media, highlighting Rahul Gandhi’s engagement with the people. Youth Congress president Srinivas BV also shared a video of Rahul Gandhi carrying bags at the station, accompanied by a song from the movie “Mazdoor.” He referred to Rahul as the “People’s Hero.”
This visit is part of Rahul Gandhi’s ongoing efforts to connect with the public. Previously, he met with delivery workers in Bengaluru and even rode on one of their scooters. He also visited the Azadpur Mandi in Delhi and spoke with vendors and laborers as part of his public outreach initiative.
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