Bharat Express


Adani wins Ahmedabad with a whopping bid of 1289 Crores for a 10-year license

The day of Basant Panchami is dedicated to Saraswati, the goddess of learning and music. That's why a large number of students are also taking baths in Sangam and worshiping Saraswati

The Censor Board has made corrections. Controversial words have been removed. So, I don’t see any point in protesting now says Narottam Mishra

Republic Day Parade: The special thing is that this year the marching contingents of the Navy and Air Force were led by women officers. Captain Raizada Shaurya Bali led the first contingent in the uniform of 61 Cavalry in the Indian Army contingent

Lt Cdr Disha Amrith as Contingent Commander marches down Kartavya Path..

Republic Day celebrations at Lal Chowk in Srinagar..

PM Narendra Modi greeted the President when she arrived at Kartavya Path. The National Anthem was played when the National Flag was raised at Kartvya Path by an Air Force officer, Flt Lt Komal Rani

There were no reports of hostile infiltration or penetration while the 61st Cavalry conducted frequent night patrols on horseback

Upendra Rai presented the vision document of the Bharat Express news network to be launched on February 1 to Governor Anusuiya Uikey

It is revealed that a total of 106 Padma awards have received the president's approval in India