Bharat Express


The barricades were created as the handles for the commuters but the security of the British embassy is intact, says police official

This day remains a dark day in Indian history, however, it reminds every Indian citizen of the great, heroic and patriotic sacrifice of our people to liberate the country...

These deep western disturbances are interacting with Indian Regions with the low–level wind that generally comes due to summer heating increasing the severity of thunderstorms...

Modi urged officials to improve whole genome sequencing of positive samples using INSACOG genome sequencing centers

Seven Karnataka residents received Padma awards on Republic Day

Bilkis Bano's case has taken a new turn as Supreme Court (SC) has agreed on constituting a new bench for the hearing of her case...

Deputy Chief Minister, Brajesh Pathak reached the 43rd annual general body meeting of UP Sahakari Gram Vikas Bank and advised the cooperative bank to reach every village.

Shah said the opening of the temple was the beginning of the new dawn and quest for reviving the Sharda culture.

"The number of free diagnostic tests in Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics will increase from 256 to 450 this year," Gahlot added

Gahlot also announced that schools and industries will collaborate to develop professional skills for children at Schools of Applied Learning