Bharat Express


Singh got married to Kaur in a simple ceremony at Jallupur Khera, his native village in Amritsar.

"This is the victory of the common people of India and the backward classes. This is also a huge victory for the judiciary," the BJP spokesperson said

"It is decided that 13 decimals of land having the dimension of 50 ft x 111 ft in the north-west corner of the scheduled premises is to be recovered from him," the notice said.

The massacre at Naroda Gam was one of the nine major 2002 communal riots cases investigated by the SIT and heard by special courts.

Gandhi had submitted that the trial court treated him harshly after being overwhelmingly influenced by his status as an MP.

With the sixth list, the Congress has announced 223 candidates, marking one seat in the 224-member assembly for Sarvodaya Karnataka Party, a regional outfit.

The defence minister said that the security of the country is the “topmost priority” for the government.

AGEL has achieved 99.5% less fresh water consumption per unit of generation in FY2023 against the statutory limit of 3.5 KL/MWh for thermal power.

Two of the accused have been arrested for alleged murder after the victim's father filed a complaint while a third one was absconding he added.

It is for the first time in the UN’s history that the Indian population has surpassed China’s since 1950, says report...