Bharat Express

Narendra Thakur Urges Western Adoption of Baba Neem Karori Maharaj’s Teachings

Narendra Thakur Highlights India’s Spiritual Legacy as Land of Saints and Sages

On February 16, 2024, the book titled “Mahan Sant Neem Karori Maharaj,” based on the memoirs of Baba Neem Karori Maharaj, was released by Shri Narendra Thakur, the All India Co-Publicity Head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. The event also saw the presence of Shri Ritesh Aggarwal, the Delhi State Publicity Head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Authored by Shri Narendra Verma, the book has been published by Pratima Prakashan.

Addressing the gathering, Shri Narendra Thakur ji, the All India Co-Publicity Chief of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, emphasized India’s rich heritage of spiritual saints and sages, citing Baba Neem Karori as a revered figure among them. He highlighted Baba Neem Karori’s practice of encouraging devotees to chant Ram-Ram, underscoring the longstanding reverence for Lord Ram in Indian spiritual tradition. Thakur attributed the nation’s celebration of Rammay to saintly figures like Baba Neem Karori, who promoted devotion to Shri Ram. He praised the cultural significance of the consecration of Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya, noting Baba Neem Karori’s dedication to upholding the pride of Sanatan culture.

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Reflecting on the launch of the book, Shri Narendra Thakur Ji remarked on the enduring respect for saints in Indian society, emphasizing their historical role in disseminating the teachings of Sanatan Dharma. He noted a growing acceptance of Baba Neem Karori Maharaj’s teachings, particularly among individuals in the Western world. Thakur highlighted Baba Neem Karori’s austere lifestyle, characterized by simplicity and devotion to Lord Hanuman. He emphasized the saint’s commitment to fostering unity and combating caste discrimination, considering it antithetical to Hinduism.

Thakur encouraged the younger generation to draw inspiration from the book and follow in the footsteps of Baba Neem Karori Maharaj, believing it would be beneficial for their personal growth and the welfare of society.