Bharat Express

Maulana Arshad Madani Sounds Alarm On Threats To India’s Social Fabric, Calls For Unity Amid Political Discord

India has been the cradle of different religions and civilizations for centuries. Peace, unity and tolerance has been its bright tradition.

“Tampering with the social fabric of the country will destroy the country. Any such attempt is a serious threat to the democratic structure and institution of the country. India has been the cradle of different religions and civilizations for centuries. Peace, unity and tolerance has been its bright tradition. But now some powers are trying to end this centuries-old tradition. They value their political interests and power more than peace and unity.

This is the reason why the seeds of hatred are being sown in the fertile land of peace and brotherhood by raising new religious issues day by day. There is now a conspiracy to break the social fabric which holds all the people living in this country together. This is such a thread which, God willing, if broken, it will not only be a great loss for our centuries-old civilization, but it will also put the country on the path of destruction from which it will not be easy to return,” said Maulana Arshadmadani, president of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind while talking to journalists in a crowded press conference held at the Constitution Club of India here today.

Throwing a light on the history of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, he said that it was established a century ago by the Ulama (scholars) as a platform for the freedom of the country. Therefore, the scholars risked their lives for the freedom of the country with all their might, and they continued to be put behind the bars, and hung on the gallows. They continued to sacrifice their lives for the beloved country “India” until the country became free, and as soon as the country became independent, Jamiat Ulama -i-Hind separated itself from politics, but since its aims and objectives are to promote the integrity, unity and brotherhood of the country, it, after independence, strongly opposed the division of the country on the basis of religion.

He explained that Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind is still following the guidelines set by its forefathers, it render all its services on the basis of humanity above religion. Recently, the homeless people in Mewat who have been provided with land and assistance for building houses include three Hindu families. This organization has been giving scholarships to needy students every year on the basis of merit, including a large number of Hindu students, because the main objective of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind is to work for the welfare and well-being of humanity.

Maulana Madani said in a special conversation with some media representatives that journalism has been called the fourth pillar of democracy, so it is high time that a large section of the print and electronic media of the country should honestly account for itself, and analyze whatever the line they have chosen for themselves for the past few years whether it is right or wrong, and is this line in the interest of the country? Remember that if one of the pillars of any building is weak, then the building cannot be called strong.

Maulana Madani referring to the recent infiltration and disturbance in the Parliament said that it was not an uncommon incident but the media did not give much importance to it. No doubt it was a serious matter but the media did not ask any questions. But if there was Shakeel Ahmed in place of Sagar Sharma, the same media would have made much fuss, and would have made the land of the country narrow not for the criminals but for the entire community.

Talking about the supremacy of the Constitution, he said that what is happening now in the name of politics has put a question mark on the supremacy of the Constitution. The question is whether the constitution which is being propagated is a new constitution or the one which was prepared after independence. If it is a constitution prepared after independence, so then we have to admit that now the way every issue is tried to be given a religious color and a discriminatory attitude is being adopted, it is completely wrong and very destructive for the peace and unity of the country.

He further said that the country’s constitution gives complete religious freedom to its citizens, it has given equal rights to all citizens and prohibits discrimination against any citizen, community and class. But it has been happening that the policy of appeasing the majority is being openly followed by taking away all the powers provided by the constitution for the purpose of keeping a particular sect in a state of inferiority. And an issue does not end when another issue is raised and propaganda is started to maintain communal alignment.

The Constitution provides freedom of religion to every citizen of the country, despite this, the matter of bringing a uniform civil code continues to be raised. The provisions of the IPC for other crimes are equally enforced on all citizens, however, the rules on personal matters, especially marriage, divorce, etc., are separate and are centuries old. Among Hindus themselves, different methods and rituals of marriage and divorce are practiced in different communities. But this has never caused any threat to the peace and security of the country. Uniform civil code means that the personal law will be the same for everyone, but it is given the impression that it is being brought only for Muslims.

He further said that the Supreme Court in its decision on the Babri Masjid dispute has clearly said that there is no evidence of building a mosque by demolishing a temple. But now some sectarian people are busy trying to take political advantage of it, and trying to present it as a victory of the majority.
In response to a question on the recent decision about the Gyan Vapi Masjid, Maulana Madani said that we have no objection to the survey. We believe that if the survey is conducted honestly, nothing will come out of it.

But the way this new controversy has been raised is against the 1991 law passed by Parliament on the Protection of Places of Worship, in which it has been clearly stated that no such controversy will be raised in any place of worship except the Babri Masjid which has been in existence since 1947. When asked if the Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind will take the matter to the Supreme Court, he replied that we will go as far as the law allows us to go. In response to a question on the silence of the secular parties regarding this, he said that the political party which brought this law should speak on it anyway.

In response to the questions of some journalists on the Palestine conflict, he once again said that it is important to know the history. Israel has usurped there and the people of Gaza are fighting to liberate their land. It is wrong to call them terrorists.
In response to the questions asked in the context of the current situation of the country, he said that secularism means that the state will have no religion, but unfortunately, now everything in the country is changing. Maulana Madani clearly said that now politics is being done to please the majority only, not all the citizens of the country, it is destructive for the country’s secular structure and democracy.

He said that the British did not offer us freedom on a plate, but for this our forefathers had to give enormous sacrifices. This sacrifice given by all regardless of religion and nationality.
We have no dearth of manpower and capability, the need is to use this power and capability positively. But now the politics of hatred and discrimination that has started is going to take the country to the path of destruction, not development.
For this, all the just-minded people of the country and those who believe in the principles of secularism have to think seriously together and prepare an effective plan against it. And the country’s media also has to play its real and fundamental role, otherwise the history of tomorrow will not forgive us for it.